Friday, December 16, 2011

One Down and One to Go!

So they did it. I take absolutely no credit, THEY did it. The Barnabas prep team made thru one beautiful first semester. Jason and George and Billie led the way and before you knew it the interns were taking charge and getting things done (sometimes on time) and the students were learning to do things they never thought possible.
Tuesday we had Prep and full time staff gather for a meal. I cooked with help from some others like Keri and Donna and even Renee. When we served the meal and sat down I looked around and a more beautiful site would be hard to find. The students and interns and staff were all having a great time just being together. When ask how they felt about this first semester, my heart was so full hearing the replys.
I know that each of the interns has accomplished more than they ever imagined possible. They have truly let God rule their time and given it all to him. The prep students have amazed all of us and themselves. They have had huge accomplishments and small adventures all leading to a great sense of "I can". I love each story!!
Today I am a bit sad thinking they are all gone for a few weeks. Today I reflect on the semester and want to share that God has great plans for each of you...........plans to prosper you! Believe it and hold on to that as you venture toward next semester.
By the way, thanks for filling my heart with love and joy and a sense of great pride in all you have done.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bigger & Better Things

There have been several changes in my life in that last year. For starters, I turned 20. And I stopped having that dream about cave bears. I implemented a budget and no longer drink 4 cups of coffee a day. I started seeking the wisdom of my parents and I realized that Facebook is a colossal waste of time.
And I withdrew from Baylor University and moved to Missouri to intern at Camp Barnabas.
That change was probably the biggest. And it came with a million new challenges.
When I was in college, I thought waking up for my 9:00am class was the hardest thing I had ever done. My alarm would go off and I would consider the ramifications of skipping class, and try to remember how many absences Baylor’s policy would allow.
Now I have people who depend on me to get up in the mornings and get them ready for the day whether I feel like it or not. I don’t get to consider staying in bed. At least not for more than five minutes.
Some mornings satan screams, “you can’t do this another day!” And some morning I believe him.
But some morning I listen to God’s gentle whisper: “My grace is enough for you and my strength is made perfect in the places you feel the weakest”. And sometimes I remember that for more than an hour.
But then Suzie drops her cell phone on the ground for the 14th time today, and Jake gets mad and throws a pumpkin off the dining hall porch. And Carley’s frustrated because she had to butter her own bagel. And Jaime doesn’t feel good. And Harley won’t stop talking to the dog. And Jen’s chair is dead.
All of that makes me think that maybe I would rather be back in college, struggling to make it to that 9:00am class and worrying about typical 20 year old issues.
But I know I should be here. And deep inside I know that I want to be here.
Because Suzie just poured her own juice, and Jake cleaned up the pumpkin. And Carley admitted that she was proud of herself for fixing her own breakfast. And Jaime is singing about dinner. And Harley took the dog for a walk. And Jen plunged a toilet.
We’re all being stretched and we are all growing.
And I’m in the kitchen making dinner and wondering why I’m lucky enough to be a part of this wonderfully crazy adventure that we call “Barnabas Prep”. Because even when I am overwhelmed by all the chaos in this house, I know that this is an experience I will be thankful for.